الاثنين، 3 نوفمبر 2008

12 Affordable Ways To Good Health

#1 Sleep earlier. Here’s the reason for improving your sleeping habits: your body heals and repairs itself and does its regulatory job while you’re snoozing.

#2 Consider vitamin supplementation.If you’re not a good eater, you’ll be on your way to depleting your body of required vitamins and minerals.

#3 Eat more vegetables, cut down on red meat, caffeine, sugar and salt. Don’t forget too that by cutting out the junk, you’re saving money.

#4 Never skip breakfast.I used to be one of those breakfast skippers who would pile it on heavily in the evening. This is because I wasn’t hungry in the morning but terribly so at night.

#5 Never eat an incomplete meal.I’ve actually made an investment in my health by seeing a nutritionist on occasion to correct my lifelong wrongs when it came to food and diet.

#6 Don’t let yourself go hungry.It’s weird but I also learned that if you can be proactive and anticipate when you’ll be hungry, and actually eat something before you do, you’ll eat less, and better.
#7 Exercise, and at the very least, just walk.You need to move to burn those calories, to keep your body “oiled” and revving, and your metabolism humming just fine.

#8 Don’t stress out.Those health experts keep saying it: toxins are all over our environment invading our systems, but some of these things are just not within our control.

#9 Wash your hands often.Avoid getting sick by washing your hands often. Unless you don’t mind catching a bout of the cold or flu once in a while.

#10 Toss the vices.The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak. It’s something you just cannot “nag” someone to do.
#11 Think twice about joining weight loss programs.They could be a waste of time AND money.

#12 Visit your doctor for annual tests.

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Happy Spring Season - I love you - keep coming back again - sherry