Diabetes is a chronic disease or disorder in bad representation of carbohydrates and protein and fat in the body result of the failure of the body to use glucose for a good source of energy, resulting in the failure of the pancreas to produce insulin, blood glucose recuperation from the normal level (80 - 120 mg / dl), then drop in Urine concentration after 180 mg / dl of blood exceeding the threshold urinary kidneys that can not Thdzp the institution in the urine
: Classification of diabetes
A - Anaseebidas diabetes (non-diabetes, diabetes): It is a case of a representative rare disorder occurs due to lack of thyroid hormone in the pituitary or Alvasubresen antidiuretic hormones , or as a result of the inability of kidneys to respond properly to this hormone, And is this type of diabetes produce huge quantities of urea, regardless of the amount of fluids consumed with a sense of the situation of severe thirst, called this type Aldeaptis non-diabetes because diabetes in this case does not contain sugar and taste it.
B - Mellits diabetes (diabetes): produces a defect in the production of insulin by the pancreas. Because of that, without insulin, the body can not use blood sugar (glucose) the main source of energy. Viallo concentration in the blood glucose and less focus glucose absorbed Bonsjp body.
Diabetes is classified into two major groups
Group I: automatically link in the body without other illnesses, and represents the vast majority of diabetes, and produces automatic disruption of the balance of sugar because of the imbalance in the hormone insulin, diabetes and divided in to two types of this group :
The first type - diabetes : In this type little or no insulin, which is known diabetes , which is about 15-20% type of the disease, usually occurs before the age of thirty and it depends on the pancreatic secretion of insulin, It is known that this type of diabetes, or non-existent insulin, insulin-dependent, due to happen before the age of thirty-sugar disease, also called the young and better naming this new type of diabetes .
Type II - diabetes : This is not in the least insulin, but reduced its effectiveness and known diabetes , representing the vast majority type of the disease about 80 - 85%, and usually after the age of thirty or forty. The pancreas Bifraz in this type of insulin in the blood of the patient, and knew this type of diabetes or insulin Allamnadm Allamatmd to insulin, given the usually occurs after the age of forty-sugar disease, also known adults and best naming this new type of diabetes .
occurs as a result of a secondary cause patients to stop activity resulting in cell detachment of insulin or destroyed, including sick the following reasons:
1 - excessive increase in the secretion of some hormones such as cortisone hormone, thyroid hormone, growth hormone, hormone adrenalin.
2 - address some drugs, such as drug-producing and Paul contraceptive pills and cortisone.
3 - pancreatic diseases that lead to the destruction of the beta cells Balbnkerias which manufactures insulin and storage in the form of granules inside the capsule to be ready when received warning signal that penetrates the cell wall and melt in the whiskers blood, a blood hormone insulin, next to the liver and then throughout The body. Examples of such diseases eradication of the pancreas, inflammation of the pancreas, cirrhosis of the pancreas

Insulin plays an important role in the revitalization of the chemical reactions occurring in most of the body's cells, specifically in three specific tissues are:
1 - liver: the hormone insulin helps the liver to store sugar, or to hinder the stock exchange or convert part to store fat in the liver.
2 - muscle: the hormone insulin helps muscle cells to take sugar glucose and stored on the image of Glycogen.
3 - fat cells: the hormone insulin helps to capture the elements of the initial fat and transferred to the fat. In addition, the hormone insulin, other side effects in the event of the high rate of natural recall, for example, but not limited to the following:
A - swelling of the appearance of peripheral tissues (such as the feet) as a result of water retention by reducing the secretion of sodium salt in the kidney.
B - plus the appearance of hair growth in women as a result of the revitalization of the ovary in women to produce the male sex hormone.
It is noteworthy that the insulin cells when they receive the trigger for the release of the hormone they met very carefully by the appeal mechanism within these cells to a high degree of sensitivity and implications of the firing of the hormone insulin in the blood rapidly during the few minutes, at the same time the amount of insulin to be identical to the squad as Rise in the sugar glucose. It should be noted that produce insulin naturally and continuously by one unit every hour in case of fasting, and eating more excretion of 3-7 unit during each meal, and consequently a total of about 35-40 units per day as follows:
24 units in addition to the ongoing 11-16 units during the daily meals, and avoid the accumulation of insulin needed to be reversed so as not to produce other sugar continue to decrease the normal level, and thus continue to control the balance of sugar in the blood where they are breaking about 50% of the blood insulin Cells in the liver loses its effect, is also breaking the remaining 50% is in the kidneys or excretion in the urine

1 - Increase the volume of urine than usual and frequent urination during the night and day, repeatedly.
2 - weight loss despite an increase in appetite for a meal without justification.
3 - General sense of vulnerability and stress, fatigue, weakness and lack of vitality.
4 - a sudden increase in weight.
5 - a non-healing wounds.
6 - dry mouth, throat and a sense of constant thirst.
7 - a recurrent skin infection.
8 - itching or scratching around sensitive locations, especially for women.
9 - high blood Alkithonip material and the emergence of the smell of acetone mouth.
10 - to increase the level of sugar glucose in the blood of normal .
11 - dizziness and balance.
12 - Zgllp and the disruption of the eye.
13 - heavy secretion of race.
14 - a severe painful muscle especially grocery men.
15 - The thrill of beating, with the possible loss of consciousness.
16 - the emergence of sugar glucose in the blood.
17 - the emergence of numbness or pain in the feet parties or Alokz .
18 - The emergence of job loss nerve .
19 - sense of the situation volatile
20 - there was something wrong in the entire immune system because of the willingness shown by genetic factors, acquired from the environment .
21 - sense of the situation of hunger unusual.
22 - bedwetting case has been repeatedly during sleep in children living with diabetes type .
23 - numbness lips, and is happening in the case of a lack of sugar in the blood.
24 - where the loss of hair and feet increase in facial hair type (2) diabetes .
25 - Dimply emergence of yellow anywhere in the body .
26 - not a sense of adult diabetics Btam sweet when to dissolve sugar spoonful of the amount of 1.5-2 ounces in the water despite the fact that a person not injured Btam sugar is sweet when the amount of iron spoon of sugar or less in ounces of water .
27 - incidence of coma.
Diet for diabetics:
1 - Feeding obese diabetic: You must decrease the total daily caloric needs of obese diabetic until it reaches his body weight to less than ideal weight is about 5%, and only reduce the weight Balregim food is not required to give insulin in this case as long as they are accompanied by complications. And continue to follow the diet food to obese diabetic up to the required weight, and then apply a balanced diet food, which is equivalent to maintain that weight (5% less than the ideal weight). But if continued emergence of sugar in the urine, although access to the weight the last time is appropriate to use insulin or diabetes pills to reduce the sugar in the urine completely.
2 - Feeding diabetic skinny: You must increase the total daily caloric needs of diabetic so skinny and weighed up to his normal weight. Then it must apply a balanced diet food after the maintain the weight, but the diabetic skinny always need pills or insulin to treat diabetes or both to control the sugar in his blood. In general, must be provided food diet therapy for diabetic skinny provide meals with a high content of protein and reduced levels of fat and moderate amounts of carbohydrates, vitamins dealt with the composite (b).
3 - Feeding diabetic with a normal weight: You must apply the rules of ordinary food with care to identify and control the total daily caloric needs to ensure the maintenance of the stability of the patient's weight does not resort to insulin injection therapy or diabetes tablets only in the event of continued emergence of sugar in the urine
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