الجمعة، 9 يناير 2009

Comparison of Adjectives

Positive Form

Use the positive form of the adjective if the comparison contains one of the following expressions:

as … as

Example: Jane is as tall as John.

not as … as / not so … as

Example: John is not as tall as Arnie.

John is not so tall as Arnie.

Comparative Form and Superlative Form (-er/-est)

Example : Jane is taller than John.

one-syllable adjectives (clean, new, cheap)

two-syllable adjectives ending in -y or -er (easy, happy, pretty, dirty, clever)

Exceptions in spelling when adding -er / -est
silent ‘e’ is dropped
Example: late-later-latest

final ‘y’ after a consonant becomes i
Example: easy-easier-easiest

final consonant after short, stressed vowel is doubled
Example: hot-hotter-hottest

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